Chicos Women s Short Sleeve Blue White Striped Dress 803617

Keraton Surakarta / Surakarta Palace twas consist of many complexs or area, some of that complexs or area are:

Alun-alun Lor Complex / North

This complex includes Gladhag, Pangurakan, North Square and the Great Mosque of Surakarta. Gladhag presently known as the crossroad of Jalan Slamet Riyadi Gladhag in Surakarta, in ancient times used as a tie game that was captured from the forest. The square is a place to hold royal ceremonies involving the people. In addition alunmenjadi square-king meeting place and its people. On the edge of the square of the banyan tree was planted. In the center square plaza, there are two banyan trees (Ficus benjamina; Family Moraceae) is given a fence. Both trees are called Waringin Sengkeran (harifah: banyan enclosed) that is named Dewodaru and Joyodaru. On the west side of the square stands the mosque north Ageng (Masjid Raya) of Surakarta. The mosque is a mosque official botanical kingdom and founded by His Majesty Pakubuwono III (Sunan PB III) in the year 1750 (Kasunanan Surakarta is an Islamic empire). The main building consists of the foyer and the main mosque.
[Edit] Complex Sasana and complex Sumewa Sitihinggil Lor / North

Sumewa Sasana is the main building at the forefront of the Kraton Surakarta. This place used as a place of his time to face the retainer (middle to high officials) in an official ceremony of the kingdom. In this complex there are a number of such guns in the given name or Kyai Kyai Pancawura Broom Universe. This cannon was made in the reign of Sultan Agung. In the south there are complex Sitihinggil Sumewa Sasana.

Sitihinggil is a complex built on higher ground than its surroundings. This complex has two gates, one on the north side called Kori Wijil and one to the south, called by Kori string. On the north side of the stairs Sitihinggil there is a stone that is used as a place of beheadings Trunajaya called Selo Pamecat.

The main building at the complex Sasana Sewayana Sitihinggil is used by the magistrates in the kingdom to attend the ceremony. In addition there Tangkil Manguntur Ward, where the throne of His Majesty, and Ward Witono, where the wake Heritage Greatness of the Kingdom during the ceremony. Ward the latter has a small building in the middle called Bale Krobongan Manguneng, where the wake heritage palace Kangjeng Setomi Nyai, a cannon that allegedly seized by the army when attacked Mataram from VOC Batavia. Outer side of the east-south-west Sitihinggil complex is a public road which can be passed by the people who called the ceremony Urang (literally = claw shrimp).
[Edit] Complex Kemandungan Lor / North
Kori Kamandungan viewed from the direction of Lor Kemandungan pages with front and Bale Roto Stage prop Buwana towering in the background.

Kori Brajanala (brojonolo) or Gapit Kori is the main entrance gate from the north into the northern Kemandungan pages. Served as an entrance gate cepuri (within the palace complex is surrounded by the walls of the palace called baluwarti) urang sapit road connecting with the page in the palace. This gate was built by His Majesty Pakubowono Tinandu Semar III with style. On the right side and the left (west and east) from the inside there Brajanala Kori Ward Wisomarto guard palace guard spot. In addition to the east of this gate there is a bell tower. In the midst of this complex there are only blank pages. Buildings contained in this complex at the edge of the page only. From this page also can be seen a magnificent tower called prop Buwana Stage (Stage songgo Buwono) located in the next complex, Complex Sri Manganti.
[Edit] Complex Sri Manganti

To enter this complex from the north side must pass through a gate called Kori Kamandungan. In front of the right side and left the gates of nuanced colors are blue and white, there are two statues. On the right side and left this big door, and there is a large mirror above it there is a decoration consisting of arms and flag in the middle there is a symbol of empire. This decoration is called Gulo Klopo Bendero. In the courtyard of Sri Manganti there are two main buildings on the west side of Ward and Ward Smarakatha Marcukundha in the east.

In his day Smarakatha Ward used to facing employees with the rank of middle to upper Lebet Regent upward. This place is also a place of acceptance of promotion of senior officials. Now this place used to practice dancing and mendalang. Ward Marcukundha in his day used to facing the officers of soldiers, for promotion officer and junior officers, as well as a place for relatives condemned for the king. Now this place to store Krobongan Madirenggo, a place for ritual circumcision / assembly of the sons of His Majesty.

In the southwest there is a Ward Marcukundha octagonal tower called Stage prop Buwana. The tower has about thirty feet high is actually located in two pages at a time, pages and pages of Sri Manganti Kedhaton. However, the main door is located on page Kedhaton.
[Edit] Complex Kedhaton

Kori Sri Manganti be a door to enter the complex Kedhaton from the north. The gate was built by His Majesty Pakubuwono IV in 1792 is also called by Kori Ageng. It has strong links with prop Pangung Buwana philosophically. Door that has a style Tinandu Semar is used to wait for the official guests of the kingdom. The right and left door has a mirror and an ornament above the door. Page Kedhaton covered with black sand from the south coast and covered with a variety of rare trees, among others, 76 Kecik Chrysophyllum trees (Manilkara kauki; Family Sapotaceae). Also this page is also decorated with European-style statues. This complex has a main building which are Sasana Sewaka, nDalem Ageng Prabasuyasa, Sasana Handrawina, and Stage prop Buwana.

Sewaka Sasana is the original heritage building pendapa Kartasura palace. This place never experienced a fire in 1985. In this building also susuhunan enthroned in majesty royal ceremonies such as Garebeg and the king's birthday. In the west Sasana have Parasdya Sasana, a peringgitan. In the west there Parasdya Sasana nDalem Prabasuyasa Ageng. It is the core and most important buildings from around the Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat. This is where buried heritage and heirloom-throne the king who became a symbol of the kingdom. At this location is also a king swore when I started before the coronation throne in front of audiences in the north Sitihinggil.

The next building is Handrawina Sasana. This place is used as the official royal banquet. This building is now used as a place of seminars and gala dinner of foreign visitors who come to the city of Solo. The main building is a stage prop Buwana other. The tower was used as a place of meditation as well as to oversee the fort susuhunan VOC / Dutch East Indies who was not far from the palace. Which has a five-storey building was also used to see the position of the moon to determine the start of a month. At the peak of the roof top ornament symbolizing the years have built the oldest towers in the city of Surakarta.

Kedhaton complex west of the place closed to the public and forbidden to be published so as not many who know the real certainty. This is the official residence of the king and royal family are still used today.
[Edit] Complex-Magangan complex, and Sri Manganti, Kemandungan, and Sitihinggil Kidul (South)

Magangan complex formerly used by the royal candidates. In this place there is a pendapa in the middle of the yard. Two of the next complex, Sri Manganti South / South and South Kemandungan / South is just a page that is used when the king and the empress's funeral. Last complex, Sitihinggil south including the plaza south, has a small building. This complex is now used to maintain the heritage of the palace in the form of an albino buffalo called Kyai Slamet.

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Karaton Surakarta / Surakarta Palace


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